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  • Our global network ensures we are there wherever and whenever you need us.
  • We have the expertise and the tools to provide optimum advice and support.
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Your benefits

More than motion
Thanks to powerful real-time control and optional Windows operating system

Data can be viewed directly on the controller
This minimizes the number of interfaces involved and saves on valuable engineering time

Centralized storage of data
As engineering tasks are carried out directly on the controller

Controller hardware for decentralized installations MultiMotion motion control platform Application Configurator for CCUs Controller for control cabinet installations

High-end motion control and visualization with MOVI-PLC® power

As an operator of highly complex systems, you face the challenge of ensuring that demanding technology functions run with multiple degrees of freedom. The ability to do this via a centralized controller with a reduced number of interfaces would allow you achieve significant gains in terms efficiency and productivity.

Our portfolio's MOVI-PLC® power, a programmable motion and logic controller compatible with IEC-61131-3, offers just the solution you need. It ensures optimum implementation of centrally processed high-end motion and logic control applications. It is specially designed for motion functions such as cams and 3D robot functions with up to eight degrees of freedom.

Real-time operating system with high processing power in 1-ms cycles

The integrated Intel Core2Duo microprocessor provides exceptionally high processing power and extremely short response times. It also features an SBUSPLUS system bus (on-board EtherCAT) for the synchronous transfer of processing power to the drives. This enables your entire driveline with up to 32 motion and logic control axes to be processed in just one millisecond.

It also comes with an integrated CFast memory card for firmware, applications, and operational data. The replacement of units is easier while maintaining exceptionally fast data access.

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Ability to view data directly on the MOVI-PLC® power

  • Available in unit designs T0-T25
  • Reduced number of interfaces, with all functions run via one controller
    • Demanding technology functions such as cams or electronic drives, for example
    • 3D robotic functions with up to 8 degrees of freedom
  • Smooth, efficient implementation of highly complex machines
  • Up to 32 centrally processed motion and logic control axes in one millisecond
  • Sufficient processing power readily available, for even the most demanding application programs
  • Fast, synchronized SBUSPLUS for coordinating drives
  • A CFast memory card for firmware, applications, and operating data facilitates the replacement of units and extremely fast data access
  • Intel Core2Duo 2.2 GHz processor
  • 1 x 1 GB Ethernet (10/100 BaseT) for engineering tasks or TCP/IP and UDP via IEC 61131-3
  • 1x Ethernet interface for SBUSPLUS
  • 16 MB program memory + 64 MB data memory
  • 32 KB retain variables + 24 KB system variables (retain)
  • Free-running tasks and 8 cyclical tasks (1 to 10,000 ms)
  • PC-readable memory card for firmware and application programs
  • Optional OSC71B CAN interface

Extend your system with Windows Embedded Standard 7

To extend your system with Windows Embedded Standard 7, simply install a second CFast memory card. This will transform your MOVI-PLC® power into a high-performance automation controller that combines high-end motion control with logic control and visualization capabilities, all in one system.

The optional Windows operating system allows intuitive 3D simulation as well as smooth processing of movement sequences. Various USB interfaces allow the connection of peripheral devices such as keyboards, pointing devices, and printers. There is also a DVI interface provided for connecting an external monitor. With our OPT71C generation of operating terminals, you have exactly the right extension for your motion controller. When used in conjunction with HMI-Builder.PRO and its wide variety of functions for creating human-machine interfaces, you can increase operational reliability and lower development costs.

Do you need to install other programs while your system is running? Are you having to contend with Windows blue screens? No need to worry, this has no impact on machine control. Thanks to the new hypervisor technology, Windows 7 does not have any effect on the real-time behavior of the real-time operating system.

  • Controller-based visualization solutions available with the MOVI-PLC® power
  • Benefit from standard Windows functionality thanks to a second Windows operating system on the MOVI-PLC® power
  • Panel-based visualization solutions with the industry-standard OPT71C monitor

Central storage and management of data

  • Central storage of data
  • Engineering
  • Condition monitoring
  • Operational data collection

Controller-based visualization

  • For implementing visualization solutions on the MOVI-PLC® power's Windows operating system
  • Output medium: 12-inch or 15-inch industry-standard OPT71B monitor
  • Connection via DVI or USB (touchscreen)