Optimal drive solution for De Aviateur Banketbakkerijen

  • Pastry transportation system with MOVIGEAR® at De Aviateur Banketbakkerijen

    Best Practice in sustainability and energy savings

    De Aviateur Banketbakkerijen reduces energy costs with MOVIGEAR® mechatronic drives. The optimal drive solution for a sustainable future.

When talking about an ‘aviateur’ one thinks of a pilot or airman, indeed of someone who is active in aviation. However, De Aviateur Banketbakkerijen is producing traditional recipes that have nothing to do with airplanes. Far from that, the company is known in The Netherlands and abroad as fancy bakery that makes the most delicious all-butter biscuits, apple cakes, almond-filled pastry, egg cakes and a lot more.

De Aviateur Banketbakkerijen reduces energy consumption with MOVIGEAR®

The family business was established in Alkmaar in the thirties. The owner thought of a name and contemplated on ‘innovation, adventure with an attempt to raise the level’. Based on this ambition has grown into a large-scale patisserie with five settlements, amongst others in Middelstum, the province of Groningen. At this location egg cakes, coconut biscuits and puff pastries are made for the Dutch market and for the export.

Jaap Jonk is the technical affairs manager for all Aviateur settlements and he is having a wide range of tasks in view of the company’s growth and aspirations. He started in 1990 as programmer and has meanwhile become responsible for the mechanical and electrical operations in the production facilities. Jaap Jonk: “Manufacturing in our bakeries has almost completely been automated. As food is involved, severe quality inspections – visually, taste, purity, weight and safety – are in place in accordance with the ISO BRC, IFS and HACCP standards.”

De Aviateur uses the drive and inverter technology of SEW-Eurodrive for almost 90% of its needs. The SEW technology was introduced in 1992 at the time of constructing new buildings and has ever since evolved together with the growth. Jaap Jonk: “Even then we demanded foodgrade oil in the drives that were situated above the conveyor belts. SEW-Eurodrive anticipated immediately by starting performing extensive tests with this oil. Our decision to opt for SEW was also inspired by our aspiration to produce as sustainable and environment-friendly as possible.”

Energy efficiency through MOVIGEAR®

The extremely efficient MOVIGEAR® consists of a motor, gear unit and electronics in a very compact mechatronic unit. Its outstanding overload behavior means that it is ideally suited to the special requirements of pastry transportation technology in the food industry and can reduce the variants in use while significantly reducing the installed power and saving energy. The benefits of the MOVIGEAR® primarily include the motor's extremely high efficiency IE4 (Super Premium Efficiency), which makes it an energy saving and reliable drive solution. De Aviateur Banketbakkerijen appreciated these benefits and they selected SEW-EURODRIVE as the innovative drive technology manufacturer to re-arrange a production line.

This was done in cooperation with AET Inspectie en Metaaltechniek J.P. Nuyens. A brand new conveyor belt - in the hot region – will function as a bypass, through which products are submitted to a chocolate treatment after the baking process. After that the cakes push on through the spiral tower in the cooling down region of the production hall.

  • Energy savings
  • Reduction in the installed power
  • Reduced installation and startup costs
  • Reduced cabling and components
  • Faster and easier access to all parameters
  • Plug-in design ensures a quick exchange
  • Movement through a decentralized concept with Single Line Network Installation (SNI).
30 - 50% energy saving with MOVIGEAR®

Customer request

De Aviateur Banketbakkerijen wanted to install reliable and powerful drives to upgrade the pastry transportation system. This meant that the key criteria were reliability, energy efficiency and a reduction in the number of variants.

Our solution

Thanks to our highly efficient mechatronic drive technology with MOVIGEAR®, De Aviateur is able to reach its objectives.

Quote: Jaap Jonk: Manager technical affairs for all De Aviateur settlements

The installation of energy efficiency is particularly important

By saving energy, we are able to keep investing in the quality of our products.

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